
Blob of contradictions

Articles tagged with drupal

I have a new site using Gridsome!


Its been a long time and I decided now would be a good time to overhaul how my site looks. As part of branching out of just using Drupal, I figured a nice experiment would be to see how to integrate w...

Caching Drupal entities for faster page loads


About 2 years ago (soon after Drupal 7 was released), I had a site with a number of fields attached to a content type. When I had to clear caches and reload a page, it would take an awfully long time....

Extending dynamic migrations with destination records


Disclaimer: This posting was written with Migrate V2.3 and less. 2.4+ has a different handler for images. This post should hopefully still be useful if you just omit the parts about the images and han...

But I just want one field! Using field_attach_load()


Yesterday evening, I was working with a client on their site who are doing some interesting things with one of their custom search pages. They send ajax requests to the backend to get 2 types of value...

Easy table + views integration using the Data Module


I was recently tasked to import data from a deprecated database table (Q&A) into a Drupal 6 site. Regarding the data that was being imported in:

  • It is a one-time import.
  • It boiled down as one fla...

5 days of Drupal challenge


Last week, Jakub Suchy proposed an action for Drupal developers to contribute 30 minutes each day for 5 days (this week) towards the Drupal community. This can involve anything from providing support ...